Edward Morgan - Not the Parent Expected

Terry's DNA results were spectacular in identifying family in Canada and it gave me much opportunity to work on his family history. Initially I just glanced at his grandfather Edward but focussed on his grandmother Edith, mainly because of the much less common name.

Then as I looked more closely at the DNA results and shared matches and their trees (where they have one) it became clear that I could usually identify the closer matches as to whether they are on his maternal or paternal side. However, on the paternal side there are a few people who I could clearly identify as being on Edith's side, but no-one who was descended from Edward or one of his ancestors. Given the numbers of UK test takers that seemed unusual, and so I started to look closely at the shared matches.

Terry's admixture (ethnicity) shows 7% Greece/Balkans and 6% Italy and also he has a handful of matches with Greek names and a couple of them have trees populated with people from Greece.

His three half nephews, sons of his half brother George, all descend from both of his paternal grandparents so I made a list of everyone who maches Terry and one or more of the nephews. 37 people in total. Then I looked at all the shared matches between Terry and a half first cousin once removed who descends from Edith's first marriage. That eliminated 28 people from the list plus one one other who is known to descend from Edith's mother's brother; with the random nature of DNA inheritance and the 20 cM cut off with AncestryDNA's shared matches he doesn't share enough DNA with the half first cousin once removed to show in the list of matches. Of the other eight individuals one is totally unknown with no tree attached; the other seven are Greek. Running an autocluster with Genetic Affairs puts all of those Greek names go into two small clusters next to each other.

Edward Morgan's family were of Irish descent. One set of grandparents and one pair of great grandparents came from Ireland to England in the 1840s and according to the 1841 census his other great grand parents were both born "Foreign Parts" but almost certainly Italy but only the great grandfather, his wife was English.

As yet I have been unable to find Edward and Edith on a passenger list going to Canada together, but I have found an Edith Morgan aged 26, described as 'wife' but travelling alone in April 1914 bound for Halifax and Nova Scotia. I am inclined to think that this is the right Edith as it says born in Wales, almost everyone else was born England. Possibly Edward worked his passage to Canada, on his marriage certificate he is described as a marine fireman. All I can say for certain is that they were in Liverpool on 19 July 1913 when they married and Edith was in Montreal on 9th July 1914 when Frank was born. Edward was not present at his Christening on 21st July 1914 but he was definitely in Monreal by 30th October 1914 when he signed up for the Canadian army.

So, with 0% Irish admixture, no matches to identify with the Morgan family and a small but significant group of Greek cousins on Terry's paternal grandfather's side I can only conclude that Edward Morgan was not Frank's biological father. The real father was Greek, or more likely Anglo-Gre,k and in England, probably Liverpool, in October 1914. I feel that it'squite likely that he was the product of a local Liverpool lass and a passing Greek sailor; Liverpool was at that time the busiest sea port in England.


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